As a mother-to-be, Child Passenger Safety Week has more meaning now than it ever has before. Despite having friends with little ones and being that college student that babysat kids weekly, I never thought about the details that went into strapping a child into their cars. This kind of information is not only important to parents but to Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, or babysitters but rather anyone who will be transporting children in their vehicles.

Child Passenger Safety Week

Reading Labels & Inspection Stations

Have you ever taken a look at the details on a car seat? They tote a dozen bells and whistles, but many don’t give you a general idea of how to strap your baby in. What happens when your child grows larger and taller? At what point does a car seat go from rear facing to front facing? According to, three out of 4 car seats are installed incorrectly. We urge you to double check their children’s’ car seats to ensure that they are installed correctly.

Got a car seat and want to confirm that it is installed correctly? In honor of Child Passenger Safety Month, there are car seat inspection stations happening nationwide. A professional will consult with you and give you demonstrations of how your child’s car seat should be installed. This is the perfect time to ask questions and inquire. A good question is if your child is sitting in the right car seat for their size.

Visit for more information on Child Passenger Safety Month and how you can help spread the word about it!

Child Passenger Safety Week