Let’s face it, not everyone needs a gift. In fact, traveler or not if you were to ask me what’s one thing that I am in need for, I couldn’t give you anything. When it comes to tech devices and important items, I tend to purchase them myself throughout the year so by the time the holidays roll around, I don’t find myself needing much. Many travelers would agree and so if you’ve been wrecking your brain trying to figure out what to get that traveler in your life, nonchalantly ask if they have a charity or organization that they like to donate to or volunteer at.

The pet loving traveler would likely go nuts over a donation that you’ve made in their name at a local shelter. Everyone has a passion and love for a cause and likes to give when they can. Knowing that you spent your money on a cause that will directly affect the community will make everyone happy.

Have you ever donated to a charity as a gift?